Ride ’em Cowgirl

I have been forced to hide Callie’s butt ugly worm toy because she became so addicted to it that she wouldn’t even go outside to climb her beloved olive trees. That was quite a startling revelation for me and I pondered over the thin line between seeking pleasure and it becoming an addiction. I have Bipolar Disorder, so I have to always be aware of being too attached to something, anything, everything. Balance and moderation with a good dose of routine, exercise and healthy eating habits is the key for me.

When Callie sat over her worm toy and only wanted me to play THAT game with her, I had to put it away and find other fun things for her to enjoy! Ride ’em cowgirl is her new fun and favorite thing, but it doesn’t consume her every waking hour like the worm did. She jumps up on my old leather reclining chair and sweetly looks up at me and invites me to get behind it and literally rock it back and forth aggressively so that she can ride her bucking bronco. She holds on for dear life as I tumble her back and forth. What a funny one she is. I have to make sure that there is balance in her life though. Climbing trees, going on walks, riding in her bike basket and being the queen of the RV dash is the variety that keeps her stimulated and engaged, but healthy and happy too!

We leave for Lake Cuyamaca on Monday and the fun will begin again for her and for us. We all go a little crazy out here in the middle of nowhere after a while, even if it is beautiful Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Off-road biking and hiking the beautiful trails of this gorgeous country park will be restorative and exciting. Callie hates being bored and hanging out in this house for too long drives her crazy. I can relate!

6 thoughts on “Ride ’em Cowgirl

  1. curioussteph May 19, 2018 / 3:38 pm

    A rough and tumble kitty, who gets attached to certain things. Good on you on recognizing it! She’s definitely a unique cat.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jmnowak May 19, 2018 / 9:51 pm

    Aahh…too attached to life as well?! Let her be a cat. She lets you be you! 🤶 I’d never get bored living at Anza, my kinda country. Happy Sunday to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • sevenfauesisters May 19, 2018 / 10:06 pm

      She is all cat! When it stays over 100 degrees it is too hot for her to play outside anyway. She is a unique kitty though and loves rough and tough. Heading up to the lake will make it all better. It is cool outside and she loves to watch life on the dash of the RV. Happy Sunday to you too


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